Sunday 8 April 2012

back and better!!!

Dear blog,

I understand your frustrations to me. One, I am not regularly visiting you. Two, I have not been updating. Three, I totally ignored you for my other pursuits of beauty and relaxing.

I have a perfectly good reason for ignoring you because I have been sick, not once but twice in a span of one month.

Warning: a disgusting explanation ahead
Each time I have a terrible fever that is accompanied by severe shivering and hacking cough that could induce vomiting or heart stopping reactions. My throat would grow or better explanation would be my cute little tonsils became inflamed and nothing can be done to reduce the inflammation. The inflammation irritates the hell out of me and I cannot eat anything except for porridge or some clear soup noodles. That is a torture since I have not been eating anything good. I have been taking NSAIDS just to reduce my fever and inflammation and pain so that I can have a quality life (sleep). Sometimes the vomiting is so bad that I threw up. Scariness. Lastly i would be sniffling with cold/flu that has a bright greenish yellow sputum produce. After that, I hope I am fully recover except for a cough and sneeze somewhere.

Note: I have been eating healthily with lots of vege and occasional fruit thrown in the mix. Maybe I have not been getting enough sleep and drinking water in the morning (the water is so cold and I can't wait for the water to boil, I need to rush for work!) Best advice is to sleep and drink alot of water with fruits and vegetables. They are good for your health! It must be balance because without balance, your body will be thrown into a wack (like in my case)

Anyway sorry for being sick (to my blog and my body) but remarkably I lost another 1-2kg from these debacle. So my weight drop to 57-58kg according to my weighing scale at home. However, weight is not a good scale to see whether you are in the correct path for good healthy lifestyle. It is better to have more muscle than fat as muscle takes up less space but more weight compare to fat.

I am hoping to take up something new to boost my immune system. Maybe aikido or self defense class in addition to jogging and youtube classes by tiffany rothe.

Cheers to a good life

Yours truly <3

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